Monday, December 16, 2013

Governor Signs Concussion Education Amendment

From WIAA:

Gov. Scott Walker signed bill SB 258 into law Friday that will require parents and student-athletes to review and sign concussion education forms only once each school year. The change to the law eliminates much of the redundancy associated with the passing of the concussion law in 2012. Prior to the amendment, parents and student-athletes were required to sign concussion forms at the beginning of each interscholastic sport season.

The concussion law requires all youth athletic organizations to educate coaches, athletes and parents on the risks of concussions and head injuries and prohibits participation in a youth activity until the athlete and parent or guardian has returned a signed agreement sheet indicating they have reviewed the concussion and head injury informational materials. The law also requires immediate removal of an individual from a youth athletic activity if symptoms indicate a possible concussion has been sustained. A person who has been removed from an athletic activity because of a determined or suspected concussion or head injury may not participate again until he or she is evaluated by an approved health care provider and receives written clearance from the health care provider to return to the activity.

The WIAA has been a leader in concussion education, awareness and student-athlete well-being. The membership’s Executive Staff and Medical Advisory Committee contributed to the development of the concussion law. The WIAA website contains a video and substantial information regarding the signs and symptoms of concussions, as well as efforts to prevent and treat concussions. For more information, access the Concussions information page at:

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