Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mayo Clinic Health System’s Health Note on Stress

Surround yourself with positive people

Take an inventory of the people you spend the most time with. Do they add quality to your life or drain you emotionally? Do you laugh out loud together? Do you feel better after being with them? Can you count on them in a bind?

While we can’t pick our family or co-workers, we can choose our friends. Remember that one goal of friendships is to reduce your stress level, not add to it. Use these tips to evaluate your relationships:

• Avoid a sense of duty. The best support systems have no strings attached.

• Depend on them. A friend should both celebrate your accomplishments and help you through hard times.

• Laugh at your shortcomings. Is your friend confident and secure enough to admit his or her imperfections? That can give you freedom to admit your own faults and laugh about them.

• Beware of codependents. Don’t get dragged down by someone engaged in unhealthy behaviors.

The value of a good friendship is priceless. Invest in one today.

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